Friday, November 17, 2017


Budding Hollywood actresses do not have to rely on semi-naked fat dudes in expensive hotels for acting tips.  Not anymore. Real-life examples of real-life emotions such as despair, abandonment, anguish, and betrayal are easy to find if you kn...


November 17, 2017

This Is What Anguish Looks Like: Victims of Black-on-White Violence


Budding Hollywood actresses do not have to rely on semi-naked fat dudes in expensive hotels for acting tips.  Not anymore.
Real-life examples of real-life emotions such as despair, abandonment, anguish, and betrayal are easy to find if you know where to look – e.g., local stories of black-on-white violence.
Let's start with some backstory in Chicago.  During last year's election for the Chicago version of states attorney, Kim Foxx was not hiding anything.  With loads of cash from George Soros and lots of support from Black Lives Matter, she bragged about how, under her watch, she was going to stop over-policing, halt mass incarceration, and begin a new era of arresting fewer black people in Chicago.
Because everyone knows that cops are always picking on black people for no reason whatsoever.

The new D.A. is as good as her word.  In the latest example, Chicago has seen over 700 carjackings this year – almost all of them done by the fellas.

This week, after catching a few black people fresh from a carjacking spree, the police spokesman announced that juvenile justice is complicated because "we know their minds are not fully formed."
That is why, said the ABC owned and operated affiliate in Chicago, carjackers are now charged with a misdemeanor and released almost right away.
(If someone told me this was actually happening, I would want to see the videos before I believed it.  That is why they are included as links in this article.)
Not too far away from the scene of the latest carjacking, a white mother of an autistic high school child wonders why school officials lied to her when her son came home from school battered and bruised.  They said he was hurt "horsing around."
The video told the tale: he was the victim of a black person picking him up and slamming him on the ground.
People in Chicago are way past surprise at the level of black-on-white violence in their schools.  Even so, on video, we can see this mother wondering how this could happen to her son – and to her.
Note the anguish, the feelings of betrayal, the knowledge that no matter what she does, no matter what police say, no matter what school officials promise, her son is a target of racial violence at his high school.  And that will not change.
That is what misery looks like.  This is where Method acting meets real life.  Who needs Lee Strasberg to mine this dramatic gold?
Ditto in Baltimore.  Earlier this week, following dozens of recent attacks of black mob violence on white people,  the mayor announced she was going to get tough: she and her department heads were going to have a meeting every morning and talk about this problem of runaway black violence in Baltimore until it went away.
Like Chicago and hundreds of other Chocolate Cities around the country, local authorities have decided "they are not going to arrest their way out of this mess."
Anyway, back to Baltimore: Local media told us a white girl on a bus got into an argument with a group of black people.  Translation: They had a disagreement about whether they should beat the hell out of her and leave her lying on the curb, bloody.
The cameras got there in time to let us see this white girl, still bloodstained.  And how she described the regular violence on the bus, and in her life, and how it was going to happen again tomorrow, with the same lovely ladies or a different cast of characters.
And there was nothing she – or anyone else – could or would do about it.
Again, no surprise in Baltimore: Black-on-white crime is shrugged off as payback for 4 million years of racist mistreatment – or just another symptom of white privilege that bestows an unreasonable expectation of public safety on white people.
All this was easy to see in a recent article about violence called "Baltimore, You Are Breaking My Heart," where dozens and dozens of black commentators scorned the white female urban pioneer who was surprised at the constant and epic level of black criminality in her new neighborhood.  All because she was "tired of being looked at like prey."
All because she "needed a pit bull" to walk around the corner.
Like the mother in Chicago, the video of the Baltimore teen tells the story: this high school girl was abandoned by every person and institution she trusted.  This is what anguish, despair, and hopelessness look like.
All because public officials in Baltimore, like Chicago, know "they are not going to arrest their way out of that mess."
Even as they give black people "room to destroy." 
People in Baltimore and Chicago and hundreds of other cities know that.  They've made their peace with black-on-white crime with lots of fairy tales of midnight basketball and restorative justice, loaded with mountains of self-deception.
That is also a perfect place for aspiring film stars who want to see what delusion looks like.  One caveat for the wannabe Gwyneth Paltrows: Limit your newfound source of acting inspiration to videos, not in person.  Otherwise, your last thought on this earth just might be a desperate wish to go back to fat dudes, with bad complexions, draped in towels, in lush hotel rooms.
Colin Flaherty is the author of that scintillating bestseller, Don't Make the Black Kids Angry – which, as Allen West reminds us, a great gift for every liberal in your life.  Sometimes they are just that hard to avoid.

November 14, 2017

Latest hate crime stats show African-Americans more likely than whites to commit hate crimes

Data that contradict the approved narrative of the left rarely garner headlines.  Minorities must always be victims of the heartless white majority, you see.  So our helpful government bureaucrats bury data that contradict that approved story and forces those interested in the truth to bring out their calculators and crunch the numbers a little.
A faithful reader did exactly that and points out:
You might have heard or read a story yesterday regarding the FBI's release of 2016 Hate Crime Statistics
Just about every story I heard or read drew links to the election of Trump.  The story on NPR observed that "almost half the offenders were white."  The "almost" part piqued my interest.
Buried below the headlines in the report was this nugget:
In 2016, race was reported for 5,770 known hate crime offenders.  Of these offenders:
  •     46.3 percent were white.
  •     26.1 percent were black or African-American.
According to US Census data for 2016, African-Americans made up 13.3 percent and whites made up 76.9 percent of the population, respectively.  If African-Americans and whites committed hate crimes at the same rate, you would have expected Whites to commit five times as many hate crimes as African-Americans, and three quarters of all hate crimes would be attributed to white offenders.  In reality, when you adjust for population, you find that African-Americans are about 3.2 times more likely to commit a hate crime than a white.
If Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, and Richard Spencer are trying to encourage whites to commit hate crimes...they're not very good at it.

CHICAGO’S BLACK GANG LAND…. Is what happens when bankster Rahm Emanuel and his corrupt Obama party turned the city under!



In 2016, 7881 blacks were murdered, 90.1% of them by other blacks; 7100 blacks killed by other blacks.  FBI crime facts show only 16 unarmed blacks were shot by police.   CHRIS KEMBLE – AMERICAN THINKER

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